Friday, July 11, 2008

What's In A Name?

You may be wondering: why "my bridge blog" as a name? Why the beautiful Monet of a bridge displayed so prominently on the page?

It was Honey who taught me the significance of the bridge in life. An optimist by nature, whenever we've been faced with a challenge he promises "there's gonna be a bridge." It's what Oddball (Donald Sutherland) kept trying to tell Moriarty (Gavin McCloud) in "Kelly's Heroes."

"Hey, Moriarty, why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? There's gonna be a bridge. Have a little faith, baby" Honey says whenever life throws us a curve.

And he's been right. A bridge has always somehow materialized and we've been able to cross over to easier terrain.

Someday I've gotta sit down and watch that movie.

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