No, it’s not just beer – it’s artistry and precision in a glass. You see, the really neat thing about a black and tan is the way it’s poured.
You probably already know the basics but in case you don’t, a black and tan is half Guinness Draught and half Bass or Harp. First fill the glass half full with the lighter beer, then carefully – usually with the help of a spoon or special black and tan tool – pour the Guinness slowly, using the tool to guide it into the glass. If poured correctly, the two beers don’t mix.
Another great thing about a black and tan is that the taste changes as you drink it. It's a bit Guinnissesque, shall I say, at the beginning but it mellows after a couple of sips as the two beers blend.

My brother John actually gave us a black and tan spoon like this one on his last visit. Pretty nice of him, eh?
And if you watch this I think you’ll be as impressed as I was. It looks like there’s a pane of glass or something separating the layers. Where the heck did he get that tool? I’ve looked around the Internet since first seeing this video and haven’t stumbled across one like it.
If you find one let me know where I can get one too, will ya?
1 comment:
Very neat video---I have never been "brave" enough to try a B&T although I love Newcastle Brown Ale so maybe I would like? That gizmo he uses in the video is neat. When you scroll doen and read the comments everyone wanted to know where he got it and I guess he finally posted this:
It's a "black and tan spoon," also called a "brolly" by the folks at Bass Ale. Mine's homemade from some scrap stainless. You can make one out of a large spoon or buy one (sometimes they look triangular or shaped like turtles).
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